OBCare Foundation Embarks On Routine Training & Retraining

December 2021:

“Training is everything, and success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.” — Warren Bennis

According to Henry Ford, he posits that “anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty, and anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

This assertion is defining the goals and objectives of ONLY BELIEVE CARE FOUNDATION, which is definite in upgrading the management and staffs of the organization through routine training and retraining.

Day 1: On Monday, the 29th of November 2021, the Resource person and a life changing organizational and management expert/coach, Comrade Elijah arrived the venue. He took members through the Pre training meeting of the management of the Organization.

Day 2: On the 30th Nov. 2021, the resource person took us Organizational development/orientation workshop.

Day 3: On the day three, the resource person, Comrade O. Elijah Trained participants on Finance Policy, M & E Policy, Admin Policy etc. This training was massive and deep, as organizational life centers around this.

Day 4: On the 2nd December 2021, we learned a lot on the Mists and Myths about Cancer. It was not only impactful, but massive.

Day 5: This was the last session with the resource person. It was a session for review of all we did. We interested and asked questions for clarity.

There’s only one way to get better in life, and because life is all about growing and developing. No matter how old you get, there is always more to learn and ways that you can continue to grow.

However, I don’t know how, getting better at anything in life isn’t necessarily easy. Instead, it takes work, commitment, and time.

When society sees people succeed in any area of life, it often looks like an overnight success.

Participants in the training includes:

  1. Mrs Imaobong Uwem Andrew-Essien
  2. Mrs Grace Godwin IDOBO
  3. Mrs Emem Timothy Edem
  4. Miss Emem Israel AKPAN
  5. Mr. Victor Samson Ifot
  6. Mr. Abasiubong U. Tom
  7. Mr. Ubong Sunday Andrew-Essien
  8. Mr. Akpan, Namso Marcus

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Only Believe Care Foundation
Uyo, AKS,