Date: 9th July, 2024

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with millions of new cases diagnosed annually. Early detection and education are crucial in the fight against cancer. OBcare is committed to promoting cancer awareness and education in schools, markets, social gatherings, churches, camps and the community at large.

In the course of this program, the ED alongside volunteers were privileged to meet and speak with the state coordinator of NYSC Akwa Ibom State.

Brief introduction of OBcare team was done by Mr Victor Ifot, after which the ED spoke briefly on why we visited NYSC Ikot Itie Udung, she made the camp coordinator to understand why she has passion for creating awareness on cancers, and why early detection saves lives.

The state coordinator who spoke to us about his mother’s ailment suggested that both traditional and English medicine practitioners should come in synergy and find out the components inside the leaves used in treatment of cancer and see how they can do better in the aspects of health care.

Dr Ukeme Eshiet who elaborated on the treatment of cancer said it is all about one’s immune system, what works for this person might not work for that person.

We were all made to understand that people mostly die from cancer due to late treatment and diagnosis.


  • To educate participants about cancer, its types, causes, and symptoms
  • To promote early detection and screening methods
  • To encourage healthy lifestyle choices and cancer prevention strategies

Target Audience
Akwa Ibom State youth corpers and their coordinators.

Program Details:

  • Lectures by Dr Ukeme Eshiet
  • Question and answer session
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • ⁠About 2,000 people were reached.

Lecture by Dr Ukeme Eshiet
In her lecture, she mentioned that cancer doesn’t only ravage the old, but both young and old can have cancer.

Chemotherapy destroys both cancer cells and normal cells, but radiotherapy focuses on only cancer, but it is very expensive.

Risk factors to developing cancer

  1. Early menstruation
  2. Obesity
  3. Family history
  4. Diet
  5. Lack of physical activity
  6. Smoking
  7. Exposure to radiation

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer

  1. Painless breast lump
  2. Nipple discharge
  3. Nipple going inward
  4. Skin changes in the breast like that of an orange.
    When all these are seen, report as soon as possible to your health care provider

Cervical cancer prevention is;

  • Health Education


  • Hereditary

Signs and symptoms

  • A weak stream of urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Facing difficulty in starting urination
  • Dribbling of urine when urinating


  1. What is the best food to eat to kick against cancer?
  2. Why does cancer still spread after cutting the breast?
  3. After the breast is cut, must that person go for radiation?
  4. Does wearing bra to sleep cause breast cancer?

This awareness has given hope to people who listened and took part in this program. One who even has his sister sick of cancer said this has given him great hope for the future.


  • Increase cancer awareness and knowledge among people
  • Encourage early detection and screening practices
  • Promote a healthy and cancer-free community

By creating more awareness, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. Let’s join hands in this fight against cancer!

Photos Below

®️Only Believe Care Foundation




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Only Believe Care Foundation
Uyo, AKS,